Motorhome rental in Marne

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Rent a Capucine, Profile, Family Profile, Integral or Camper van fitted out in Marne and savor this sparkling territory like the bubbles of the champagne it produces. Travel the famous Champagne route between vineyards and hillsides and discover the wine riches of the Marne. Go and meet the winegrowers who open their cellars to you and share their passion and their profession during a getaway. The great houses of Reims and Epernay, with its famous champagne avenue, are unmissable destinations in this authentic department.

Take a breath of fresh air in the many large natural spaces that this area offers, such as Lac du Der, the largest artificial lake in Europe, where numerous sporting and fun activities are offered throughout the day. year.

The Marne also surprises you with its historical riches. Marvel at the sublime Reims Cathedral (a UNESCO world heritage site) which saw the coronation of many kings of France.