At the beginning

Frequently asked Questions

Choose from the list below for answers to the most frequently asked questions.

If a subject on which you would like clarification is not in this list, contact us.

  • Can other people besides me drive the rented campervan?

    You, who rented the campervan in your own name, are the main driver. It is however possible to designate a secondary conductor.

  • Is there a minimum or maximum age to rent a campervan?

    To rent a vehicle from EVASIA you must be at least 21 years old and have held a driving license for at least 3 years.

  • What documents do I need to present to collect my vehicle?

    When picking up the campervan you must present
    • An identity document and the original driving license
    • Proof of address less than 2 months old in the name of the tenant
    • A bank card in the tenant's name to make the security deposit
    Failure to present one of these documents authorizes Evasia to cancel the reservation without compensation.
  • What is the inventory sheet used for?

    So that you are not charged for damage, we advise you to carefully check that the condition of the vehicle corresponds to the inventory sheet given to you.